Homoeopathy for warts!!

Homoeopathy for warts!!

In #Homoeopathy, the medicines are prescribed based on the individual as a whole and not just considering the #healthissue a person has.
Like, if a person having #cold and #cough got relief with PULSATILLA then it is not necessary that other person who has cold and cough will get relief with PULSATILLA only.
This is one of the reasons why many people fail to see a result when they take a similar medicine for their #health ailment just by themselves, after seeing their friend or relative relieved from the same health ailment from the same medicine.
Just like this, a patient came for his #warts and told me that he had already tried #homeopathicmedicines like THUJA earlier as well but nothing really worked which surprisingly worked for his cousin brother who had same warts.
After briefing him as to why it didn't help him, I explained him that case taking is really important and with this only, I will be able to figure out the correct medicine for him.
#Casehistory revealed that everything was fine until his last exams in which he failed in one of his subjects. He had to reappear in that exam. Since then the warts started appearing on his face. He told me that he just couldn't accept the fact that he failed in one of his exam and felt away from his dream which was taking admission in a reputed college. The thought of separation was so intense that lead to a #skindisorder and in his case, that was in the form of warts.
With right homoeopathic medicine, he finally got relief and also, he understood that in HOMOEOPATHY, a same medicine may not work for everyone so better consult a #homoeopathicphysician before taking any medicine rather than taking it just by yourself.

#curentur #homeopathictreatment #homeopathicdoctor #homeopathicclinic #treatmentforwarts #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #onlinehomeopathictreatment

Dr. Rishi Soni

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Clinic Address:

Dr. Soni Homoeo Clinic
26/17, Basement, next to Duke's Bakery Old Rajender Nagar, Near Aggarwal Sweets, New Delhi, Delhi 110060
Contact: 09910757373
Email: Curenturhealthcare@gmail.com
Website: www.curentur.in


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