The best homeopathic medicines and counseling help to overcome the fear of death

We generally see a #disease in person and a possible reason for his #disorder but rarely we realize that it could just a tip of an iceberg which seems visible!
High-grade #fever coming on an off was her main complaint. She decided to go for #bloodtesting which showed signs of #infection. Took antipyretics for 3 days and her fever reduced to normal temperature. But still she wasn't feeling completely fine, there was something else which was just not right. She called me for an #appointment and over the call also, she wasn't sounding very much normal.
Later, in my #clinic, she told me what all happened and what medicines she had to date. I asked her if her fever was fine then for what reason she was here. She replied "Dr., I wasn't much worried about fever, it was the #fear which was haunting me for so many days. It's the FEAR OF DEATH. I am extremely scared of this. I don't know what to do. I even tried sharing it with my family but none of them really paid much attention to it".
I asked her what she feels about herself as in what importance does she hold about herself in her own life. As soon she heard that she broke down. With teary eyes, she said " Dr., I don't think I am worthy enough. Nobody loves me, I haven't done anything worthy in life, perhaps that's why I feel so ugly about myself".
So much of #selfdevaluation never come just like that. This happens when people around you keep criticizing you and always try to make you feel that you're worthless. Exactly the same happened to her. Her boyfriend whom she eventually married after 10 yr.long relationships, was surprisingly the one who kept criticizing her for the last 2 yrs.
This patient had these thoughts since 1 yr.and she couldn't even share the same with her husband.
Finally, a suitable #homeopathicmedicine did the magic and in just 1 month, I could see a new person who was now #confident and #fearless.
Self-devaluation can prove to be really damaging to one's personality. Try to introspect and if you find yourself in this trap, consult your #homeopathicdoctor without any delay.

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Clinic Address:

Dr. Soni Homoeo Clinic
26/17, Basement, next to Duke's Bakery Old Rajender Nagar, Near Aggarwal Sweets, New Delhi, Delhi 110060
Contact: 09910757373


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