
Showing posts from June, 2020

Treat depression with Homeopathy and Counselling

Treat depression with Homeopathy and Counselling Depression Treatment it timely "Stitch in time saves nine" Depression is just like any other lifestyle disorder which if not been treated in time can become worse and the more we delay the more difficult it becomes to treat. The worse part is that apart from the patient, nobody can understand the pain and the helplessness of the patient. Though there are different ways how this can be treated: * Allopathy: Anti-depressants are usually suggested in such cases which can be addictive on a longer run. Need not to mention that they come with potential side effects. Person kind of gets dependent on them for life.  * Homoeopathy : It has a great scope of treating such cases and that too permanently. It works on your immune system, strengthens it so that individual itself becomes strong enough to deal with stress without altering physical/mental state. Best part is that you don't get addicted to them. ...

Acceptance is really important in Depression

Acceptance is really important After identifying that the individual is depressed, we must accept the fact that there is a problem and that certainly needs medical attention. #Depression is just like #Diabetes, the more one delays in seeking medical help, the more grave it tends to become. Most of the times delay in acceptance only tends to aggravate the condition more. No wonder, why it takes so long for a doctor to treat a person who is depressed. Whenever we see our friend or relative in such a condition showing #symptomsofdepression, then initially we only start preaching that person to do yoga and meditation first. Start avoiding negative things, try and have food at right time, take a break from your regular routine or casually say don't worry everything shall be fine. We tend to start sharing motivational quotes or videos just to cheer up that person. Few of them, tend to make a fun of that person too or start avoiding that person which makes the condition more wor...

How to Identify Depression?

Depression is described as combination of an individual's altered mood i.e.elevation or lowering mood states. There are signs and symptoms associated with the same such as: Isolation from world Loss or excessive sleep Easy fatigue Loss or excessive appetite Loss of interest in everything Remaining quite always Weeping very frequently Easily getting angry Getting violent, breaking things Staying quiet for long hours One needs to identify as per the above mentioned parameters to judge if the person is DEPRESSED or not. Do remember, a person who is depressed may not be able to analyze himself/herself, so people around them need to do that and guide them accordingly. It needs to identified as early as possible to cure the same. The sooner we get to know, the earliest we can pull that person out of that. Regards, Dr. Soni Homoeo Clinic Clinic Address: Dr. Soni Homoeo Clinic 26/17, Basement, next to Duke's Bakery Old Rajender Nagar, Near Aggarwal Sweet...


Hopelessness definitely weakens your immunity and you tend to attract so many health issues Hopelessness It could just be a word but definitely holds grave importance when it is related to somebody. Hopelessness can be due to anything like due to some chronic #illness, business, job, any particular person in one’s life or anything. It is felt when you have given up on something. When you are sure that the given situation is beyond repair. When you start believing that the given problem can never ever be resolved. But the misery doesn’t end there. It becomes lethal when it starts showing up on your body in the form of some or the other #healthissue. You don’t suffer because of any problem but you actually suffer only when you realise that there isn’t any hope. This definitely weakens your #immunity and you tend to attract so many health issues. A lady who had severe pain in her body since almost two decades had lost all hopes of recovery. Pain would keep varying. ...