Treat depression with Homeopathy and Counselling
Treat depression with Homeopathy and Counselling Depression Treatment it timely "Stitch in time saves nine" Depression is just like any other lifestyle disorder which if not been treated in time can become worse and the more we delay the more difficult it becomes to treat. The worse part is that apart from the patient, nobody can understand the pain and the helplessness of the patient. Though there are different ways how this can be treated: * Allopathy: Anti-depressants are usually suggested in such cases which can be addictive on a longer run. Need not to mention that they come with potential side effects. Person kind of gets dependent on them for life. * Homoeopathy : It has a great scope of treating such cases and that too permanently. It works on your immune system, strengthens it so that individual itself becomes strong enough to deal with stress without altering physical/mental state. Best part is that you don't get addicted to them. ...